Monday, May 16, 2011


WORRYING does not take away tomorrow's TROUBLES but it

takes away today’s PEACE.


All things in life are temporary.

If it’s going on well enjoy it,

because they will not last forever.

If they are going wrong don’t worry,

they can't last long either.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

29 Leadership Secrets - Jack Welch

01. Harness the power of change
02. Face reality!
03. Managing less is managing better
04. Create a vision and then get out of the way
05. Don't pursue a central idea; instead, set only a few clear, general goals as business strategies
06. Nurture employees who share the company's values
07. Keep watch for ways to create opportunites to become more competitive
08. Be number one or number two and keep redefining your market
09. Downsize, before it's too late!
10. Use acquisitions to make the quantum leap
11. Learning Culture I: use boundaryless and empowerment to nurture a learning culture
12. Learning Culture II: inculcate the best ideas into the business, no matter where they come from
13. The big winners in the 21st century will be global
14. De-layer: get rid of the fat!
15. Spark Productivity: Through the "S" secrets (speed, simplicity and self-confidence)
16. Act like a small company
17. Remove the boundaries!
18. Unleash the energy of your workers
19. Listen to the people woh actually do the work (I love this one!)
20. Go before your workers and answer all their questions
21. Stretch: exceed your goals as often as you can
22. Make quality a top priority
23. Make quality the job of every employee
24. Make sure everyone understands how Six Sigma works
25. Make sure the customer feels quality
26. Grow your service business: it's the wave of the future
27. Take advantage of e-business opportunities
28. Make existing businesses internet ready - don't assume that new business models are the answer
29. Use e-business to put the final nail in bureaucracy

Jack Welch was the CEO of General Electric from 1981 to 2001.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Track and Field

Please check the notice board for further information about the next meeting and its agenda.
Those who were absent for three consecutive meetings will be sent a notice of warning. Then you will be advised to meet the discipline board/counselor if necessary.

You are adviced to meet the teacher advisor as soon as possible.

Thank you.